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Lee N.


The Worst Wedding Guest Problems (& How To Resolve Them!)

You have already begun planning your wedding and now it's time to do the guest list. Regardless of whether you are planning to have a small wedding or a big one, the task of putting together the guest list is probably difficult for you. With some planning, research and creativity you can figure out all of your wedding guest list challenges. Here are 8 tricky wedding guest problems and how to resolve them.

10 Things Newlyweds Won’t Tell You About Their Wedding Day

Even if you have been in dozens of weddings as a bridesmaid or groomsman, there are just some things that you won't pay attention until it is your own wedding day. Here are 10 things that you probably won't find out until it's your turn to tie the knot.

10 Wedding Favors That Your Guests Will Actually Use

Wedding favors are a great way to show your guests that you appreciate their support and can help them to remember this special day. However, many times the wedding favors are treated as an afterthought in the rush to complete all of the important tasks before the wedding.

10 Wedding Theme Ideas That Will Have Your Guests In Awe

Planning your wedding will likely be one of the most important tasks that you undertake in your lifetime. Selecting the right theme for your wedding can be difficult with so many options. If you are having trouble coming up with a solution for your wedding, here are 10 wedding theme ideas to spark your creativity.

20 DIY Wedding Tasks That You Should Do Instead of Buy

DIY wedding tasks are a great way to reduce the overall cost of your wedding and are also often fun to do! With the costs of the average wedding increasing each year, many people are taking on some of the smaller tasks of the wedding checklist. To help you brides make the most of your budgets, we have put together a list of the top 20 wedding tasks that you should DIY instead of buying.

10 Mother Son Wedding Songs to Say Thank You

Weddings typically gloss over one very important person—mom! Unless you consider shopping for a wedding dress and setting up and taking down the wedding décor a way to honor mom, there really is little that traditional wedding etiquette offers for holding her high on your wedding day.